Is your body saying you're old, but your mind isn't willing to give in? If you've ever felt discouraged by the challenges of health & fitness after 40, we've got a few tips, and a toolbox to help.
Just like in the 7th inning stretch in baseball, stretching in our daily lives is crucially important to decrease muscle tightness which leads to imbalance, pain and potential injury. Static stretching all if the major muscle groups frequently is one tool in your wellness arsenal to maintain a balanced and healthy body.
People talk about working their "Core Muscles" all the time, but what is the core and how do you work the core effectively. This post will cover core training techniques and summarize how to progress your core work program so that you can make the gains in stability, strength and power that you desire.
Integrated Dynamic Fitness Training is a systematic approach to fitness training which incorporates Flexibility, Core training, Balance Training, Reactive Training, Speed Training and Resistance Training. If you are looking to get results, progressing along this continuum will allow you to make steady gains with minimal risk of injury.
I know you've been there. (We all have!) You had good success with healthy eating and workouts. Then something happens. The dog dies, you have a massive project at work, you get sick or injured. All the progress you made seems to have gone out the window. I've got some good news! Getting back on track is easier than you think.
Is your body saying you're old, but your mind isn't willing to give in? If you've ever felt discouraged by the challenges of health & fitness after 40, we've got a few tips, and a toolbox to help.
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