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Integrated Dynamic Fitness Training

This is our first in a series of posts on Integrated Dynamic Fitness Training. In this series of posts we will introduce the concept of dynamic training, which incorporates all planes of motion, in all speeds and all positions.




Most Training programs involve uni-directional force production in one plane (the sagittal), at one speed and in one position. An Integrated Training Program incorporates multiplanar movement that involves acceleration, deceleration, and stabilization and occurs at multiple speeds in varying body positions. (NASM)






The Components of an Integrated Training Program will include:

1. Integrated Flexibility Training

2. Core Training

3. Balance Training

4. Reactive Training(Plyometrics)

5. Speed, Agility and Quickness Training

6. Integrated Strength Training

7. Appropriate Nutrition and Supplementation  

Before starting any integrated workout program, one should receive a thorough Kinetic Chain Assessment and Performance Profile to identify any areas of weakness or imbalance that need to be addressed.



A proper Kinetic Chain Assessment will identify:

  • Postural Control
  • Core Stabilization
  • Balance
  • Power Capacity
  • Functional Strength
  • Functional Flexibility
  • Deceleration Ability



Most Common Kinetic Chain Assessments will have 3 components:

  • (Static) Postural Assessment- Looking for muscle imbalances, serial postural distortion patterns.
  • (Transitional) Overhead Squat and Single Leg Squat Assessment- Where movement is added into the assessment to identify faulty movement patterns. 
  • Dynamic Assessments- Such as sports specific movements, agility tests, gait assessments and reaction time tests, identifying areas of weakness or sports specific movement disfunction.

  Once all limitation and areas of weakness have been identified, you are ready to begin your training program. This integrated approach to training will follow 7 phases of progression, which will focus on  3 stages of development.

Phases 1 & 2- Stabilization Training

Phases 3,4 & 5 -Strength Training

Phase 6 & 7- Power Training  

Integrated Training







Each Phase will build on the previous phase and will incorporate different components unique to that phase to ensure that you progress during your program.

 The Goal of an Integrated Training Program will be to:

  1. Prevent Injury
  2. Decrease Body Fat
  3. Increase Lean Muscle Mass
  4. Increase Strength
  5. Increase Endurance
  6. Increase Flexibility
  7. Increase Performance

  Each Integrated Training Program must be based on research, science, and results.(NASM) Now that you have an idea of what integrated dynamic training is, it's time to get started. Welcome to the Integrated Training Series.

References: Clark, M. & Russell, A. Optimum Performance Training for the Performance Enhancement Specialist. (3rd Ed.) National Academy of Sports Medicine

The Integrated Training Series

  1. Integrated Dynamic Fitness Training
  2. Integrated Flexibility Training
  3. Integrated Core Training
  4. Integrated Balance Training
  5. Integrated Plyometrics Training
  6. Integrated Speed, Agility, Quickness Training
  7. Integrated Strength Training


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