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Top Static Stretches - The Hip Flexors

The hip flexors are very important to stretch as most adults experience tightness in this area causing instability in the hip and low back. 

Both stretches pictured here are the same stretch, but for the one using the bench you won't have to get on your knees. This can be beneficial for an individual who has knee problems or is not comfortable getting on the ground.

The first stretch, Without the Bench Hip Flexor Stretch, is performed by kneeling on one knee with front and back leg bent at a 90-degree angle. Squeeze the buttocks of the side being stretched, while rotating the pelvis posteriorly. Slowly move body forward until a mild tension is achieved in the front of the hip being stretched. As a progression raise the arm on the side being stretched and side bend to the opposite side and rotate posteriorly.

Hip Flexor Stretch






To perform this stretch with a bench, just place your back knee on a bench and use the same technique as the floor stretch. It will stretch the same muscles.

Hip Flexor Stretch on Bench






  • This stretch will emphasize the iliacus, psoas major, rectus femoris and psoas minor.

This is the 6th of our Top Static Stretches Series of posts. Stay tuned for the more great articles on Stretching and Flexibility. * Note to always warm up before performing static stretches. It is important to hold each stretch for a minimum of 30-60 seconds for full benefit.*

  1. Quadriceps Stretch
  2. Calves Stretch
  3. Achilles and Soleus Stretch
  4. Adductor Stretch
  5. Abductor Stretch
  6. Hip Flexors
  7. Low Back Stretch
  8. Triceps & Lats Stretch
  9. Abdominal Stretches
  10. Upper Back
  11. Hamstrings
  12. Neck
  13. Pectorals and Deltoids


Lucette., & Clark, C. (2008) NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training (p. 139-171)

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