Whether your business has had a corporate wellness program for a long time, or you're just getting started, it's always good to get a snapshot of where you are with the program on a regular basis. Think of it this way, you go to your doctor or dentist on a regular basis so they can take a look, see how things are going, catch problems early, then fix things that are wrong. You do the same for your car - regular oil changes and tune-ups. Maybe you even do this with your financial advisor. You take a look at your cash flow, interest rates, investments, and retirement, all for the purpose of getting you to your optimum state as quickly as possible.
The best and most effective corporate wellness programs in the business world today are based on a strategic process. It makes sense to consult with professionals who understand this process and have seen it at work. An advisor can help you look at where you've been with your programs, what was successful, and what you want to be different. They will help you devise benchmarks and metrics that will make your activities and achievements measurable. They will also help you determine the problems that might keep your company from being successful in launching or moving forward with a wellness program.
Typical considerations include data collection, executive support, communication strategies, wellness team process, operating plans & budgets, environmental considerations, and evaluation processes. Beware of vendors who are trying to sell package programs. Buying these programs is perfectly fine, provided that they fit in the context of a larger plan. We've seen companies purchase a "one-stop-shop" type of program, just to be disappointed. You need real people who want to make a positive impact on your team behind that computer platform.
One of the best uses of a corporate wellness checkup is to consider how to scale an existing program or a basic initiative. By tweaking a small initiative, just a bit, you can turn what would otherwise be a "feel good activity" into a measurable, evidenced based worksite wellness program. We believe that programs can be defined as good, better, and best.
We also believe that creating a "best-in-class" program starts with small, intentional activities. Call us today if you're interested in a Corporate Wellness Check-up.
Question: What is the most successful wellness initiative that your company has sponsored in the past year?
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